Words From Students

Ms Elsa’s able to break down complicated questions into its basic principles- the way she explains math concepts are efficient and to the point, and I’m super grateful for her guidance when I was struggling with Amath in upper secondary, and helping me build a strong foundation in my math.

— Sophie Soon 2024 (MSG and ACSI)
I came to Ms Elsa when I found myself struggling in physics in secondary 3. Slowly and steadily, I seem to be able to grasp the concepts easily after Ms Elsa went through them with me in an easy to understand fashion. Her worksheets were crafted with thoughtfulness and I was just getting more excited to receive homework given by her as weeks passed. On to secondary 4, I started having math lessons with Ms Elsa at the end of July. By then, I was really stressed as it was nearing prelims and distinction was still out of reach. Together, I went on to achieve distinction in both physics and A maths and I really owed my good results to a passionate teacher like Ms Elsa. As for the A levels curriculum, I sought help for mathematics. When I first started JC, I was appalled by the rigour and depth of all the subjects, mathematics was one of them. Desperate and eager, I reached out for help again as I was barely passing in J1. I finally passed with an E for promos and we went on to learn new topics such as complex numbers and statistics which I absolutely loved. Ms Elsa taught me how to grasp statistics and it quickly became my favourite section in the mathematics syllabus. Though I still continued to get Es and Ds in math, Ms Elsa never failed to believe in my potential. One of her favourite things to say was “practice makes permanent” and this really stuck with me and I knew that I really had to continue doing her homework and mock tests that came every week nearing A levels. Finally, it was the eve of A levels, and Ms Elsa was even willing to have lessons with me to go true all the last minute exam tips which was really helpful as she knew me inside out and could remind me of the common mistakes that I made. Lastly, I clinched an A for mathematics in the A levels and I really couldn’t be more thankful for Ms Elsa.
— Teo Le Dunman High 2022
Each lesson with Ms Lim was always very helpful as she would thoroughly go through each concepts, allowing us to form strong foundations in the various topics first before attempting questions. I was constantly failing my Amath in secondary school but after tuition with her for just 3 months and clarifying conceptual errors, I managed to get an A2 for Amath in O levels. I also appreciate how she would make us do practice questions on the spot and then immediately go through them, and with her constant help I was also able to get an A for my H2 math eventually.”
— Martha St Margaret 2020, NYJC 2022
After having struggled with Math in J1, feeling like the lessons in school were moving too quickly, I began attending Ms Lim’s classes. I really appreciated that she meticulously went through the thought process of how to answer every question, which helped me to gain a better understanding of the required answering techniques. She also taught concepts in a way that was more concise and easier to apply to questions.

A significant struggle for me was that I lacked practice, often only completing my school’s tutorial worksheets, which was insufficient for the improvement that I desired. Ms Lim consolidated different types of questions every week, spanning a range of topics that she felt we needed to work on. Completing her homework was an efficient way to revise many different topics in one sitting, which was something I definitely would not have been able to achieve on my own. This made my revision process more efficient, because I did not have to do long topical worksheets given by the school to achieve the same level of comprehension.

I really enjoyed her lessons, and her reality checks were much needed motivation for me to work hard more consistently. Through her lessons and the practices, math began to make a lot more sense to me, and it became my favourite subject and the subject I excelled the most in by the time I sat for my A levels. Thank you so much Ms Lim <3
— Sara RI 2022
Prior to attending Ms Lim’s tuition, I was scoring consistent Es and Ds in JC1 for H2 Mathematics. I joined Ms Lim after JC2 MCTs, and saw gradual improvements from an E in MCTs to a B in MYEs. In the end, I managed to clinch an A in ‘A’ Levels.

I am confident in saying that Ms Lim was the catalyst for my fast improvement and eventual good results in Math. Ms Lim’s classes are the good kind of stressful, and extremely demanding. Although I felt out of depth initially, the level of precision and attention Ms Lim has for each and every one of her students is admirable. You can expect the homework she assigns to be a level above most JC’s prelim standard, but it really pushed me to deepen my understanding, especially with respect to more complicated Maths concepts like calculus.

I am incredibly grateful to have been introduced to Ms Lim. Although my time with her was short, she truly demanded more from me than I ever expected of myself. As long as you have a positive learning attitude and the will to improve, Ms Lim can help you attain your desired grades.
— Reiya EJC 2022
Ms Lim is a very patient and encouraging teacher. Although I only joined her lessons mid J2, she spent her time and effort to help me, even offering extra sessions for me to do mock papers. Her lessons were really clear and systematic, making sure that her students understood what she was trying to say, and emphasizing the importance of diligence. For me, I was failing math until late into the year, but her guidance was of great help. At one point in time, I was kind of considering dropping math to h1 as I felt like i couldn’t do well given my busy schedule, but ms lim believed in me and even explained certain topics from the basics. I’m glad to have had the opportunity to learn from her :)
— Chloe ACJC 2022
Before I went to Ms Lim’s class, I was struggling to understand a lot of content in JC Math classes, getting a D in JC1 Mid-Year Examinations. However, after attending Ms Lim’s classes for slightly more than a year, I gained much more understanding of Math! Ms Lim’s classes are a great combination of challenging practice questions and detailed explanations of math concepts that allow you to apply the knowledge in future practices. She is a strict yet encouraging teacher who stretches you to your limits regardless of your skill level with rigorous weekly worksheets paired with personal attention should you require it. Ms Lim’s amazing classes greatly improved my foundations in Math as well as honed my application skills, and I eventually obtained an A in my A-Level Examinations!

Ms Lim’s classes are suitable for any needs a student looking for math tuition might have, whether one is just looking for extra practice or needs help with more foundational concepts. Her invaluable guidance and firm hand will be a great help to any student that chooses to attend her lessons.
— Elysia EJC 2022
Ms Elsa is a caring and encouraging teacher who truly pushed us to our full potential, ensuring we understood each and every concept, and created a safe space for us to clarify doubts at any time. We were never simply given answers, but were told to focus on points of error instead, allowing us to reflect on our own work and truly understand the concepts instead of merely accepting them.
With Ms Elsa’s help, I was able to gain a better understanding of the subject and put it into practice, helping me improve from an E in my J1 EOYs, to achieving consistent As for Math throughout J2 and ultimately for the A Levels as well.
— Yi Teng ACJC 2021 A level
Teacher elsa (ms elsa/ ms lim??) has been teaching me math since I was sec3, and with her guidance, I was able to consistently do well and eventually secure an A for H2 math at A levels! This is all thanks to her clear and patient teaching, always going through the solutions thoroughly until I could fully understand them and apply the techniques to other similar questions. She also provides us with various methods to solve questions, allowing us to select the method we are most comfortable with. The topical summaries and regular worksheets she prepares provided me with consistent practice to brush up on the important skills needed in H2 math. Throughout my 4 years of tuition, I have grown to become more confident in my math, and this confidence was what helped me to stay motivated and composed for all of my exams. She is also a friendly tutor, and I am always comfortable approaching her, whether to clarify my doubts in math or to get advice regarding other aspects of school. Even though my school schedule was hectic, I always looked forward to attending her lessons! I truly appreciate all her help and encouragement over the years, and my results definitely would not have been possible without her!
— Kelly RI 2021 A level
When I first joined Ms Elsa’s classes after my J1 year, my Math was not in the best shape. Due to my busy commitments in school, I lacked the drive and interest to consistently practice Math which led to me performing poorly on my tests. However, things changed when I joined My Math Story. Ms Elsa gave us a set of questions every week that challenged us and went a step further than the normal school curriculum which tended to address the mere basics. Ms Elsa also focused on each student and their learning process. My initial trepidation of doing poorly on Math soon became a keen interest in doing my Math worksheets and trying to find the various solutions (I won’t lie- even now, when I’m done with A Levels, I still want to do Statistics heheheh). Ms Elsa’s lessons were the perfect space for me to improve in my Math, while having fun (thanks to my very funny classmates and the yummy food at KAP and the Chococinos that Ms Elsa let me drink). Ms Elsa’s consistent encouragement for me to try my best in Math, even when I myself was losing hope, is one of the main reasons why I was able to go from failing my Math Paper 1 during Prelims to getting an A at A Levels and why I was finally able to enjoy Maths after a long time. THANK YOU MS ELSA!! <3
— Netra RI 2021 A levels
Through the veritable artillery bombardment of elements, compounds and unpronounceable scientist names that comprises Alevel chemistry, Aaron was able to help make method out of madness. His structured and methodical approach to teaching made it easy to both absorb and retain the deluge of information, and his thorough understanding of both the subject matter and my own deficiencies allowed us to comprehensively plumb the depths of my ignorance and fill conceptual holes. Most valuable to me, however, was his unending patience and good humor even in the face of the most idiotic of questions, an attitude which fostered a classroom atmosphere free from embarrassment where learning thrived.
— Gabriel ACJC 2021 A level
Since jc1 I haven’t been doing very well for chemistry, making me feel demoralised and unmotivated. Since starting chemistry tuition with Aaron, I managed to pull my chemistry grade from D in jc1 all the way to an A at the eventual A levels! This is all thanks to his patient teaching and guidance, always explaining concepts in a clear and succinct manner as well as giving me additional practices to brush up on my answering skills and techniques. Even though H2 chemistry is challenging, Aaron’s lessons helped me to not only improve my results but also begin enjoying the subject itself! I really appreciate all of his help, and my A at the final lap would not have been possible without him!
— Kelly RI 2021 A level
Upon joining Ms lim towards the end of J1, she enforced my weak foundation in my math and boosted me from a U student in J1 to an A calibre student at A lvls. Through her patience to explain every concept clearing while making lessons fun and enjoyable, she has helped me gain back my confidence in myself to constantly improve and even made me like math again. I always look forwarded to her lessons even after a tough school training on Saturday mornings.
— Egan HCI 2020
Ms Lim is a very dedicated and caring teacher who not only helps her students with their grades, but also establishes rapport with them, making her classes more enjoyable. As I started to understand the various concepts better with Ms Lim’s tutoring, I developed a passion for the subject, which made doing practices and tests less of a chore and more of a fun activity.Her effective teaching methods helped me go from failing math badly in J1 to scoring an A for math in A levels!
— Justin HCI 2020
I actually found math way too difficult and was always failing or borderline passing but after joining ms Lim’s class, I slowly made some progress and started to understand the reasons behind certain steps and methods after listening to her clear explanations instead of just blindly memorising the method which doesn’t work. This really helped me especially since there are lots of application questions like all the graphs and real world context stuff which requires good understanding! Ms lim is also very accommodating of my schedule and even took the time to do one on one lessons with me when I couldn’t make it for the group class! Thank you ms lim for teaching me would probably still be failing without u:”)
— Emma NJC 2020
Dear Miss Peixin,
Thank you for being so understanding and listening to me ramble about my problems. Thank you for being so patient towards me too. Last year, I had a kind and patient math tutor too, but she didn’t teach secondary students, so she can’t teach me anymore. I was worried I would get a bad math tutor this year, but I found you ! So, thank you !

— Dayna Sec 1 (2020)
Math had never come as a natural subject for me unlike others who may be more inclined to mathematics. I remembered that I was struggling with grasping math concepts and understanding, would always dread attempting math questions because I could actually spend hours staring at a question and not knowing what to do to solve the question despite looking through my lecture notes (and i am not exaggerating HAHA). Thank goodness I got to know Ms Elsa’s tuition centre through a batch-mate! Though strict and serious initially, I slowly got to see how Ms Elsa really puts in a lot of effort to make sure that every single student in her class is well taken care of, given that different students have varying needs and weaknesses. Ms Elsa is a teacher who is fun-loving, out-going and her lessons are really never boring! I really enjoyed the last year in JC very much. Although many think that going for tuition classes is dreadful, I started to enjoy going for classes and with practice and Ms Elsa’s conscientious efforts to help all her students, my grades started to see improvement! Beyond the improvement I made for math where my grades went from an S to B, I think what really mattered more was the experience I had through tuition classes and for all the enjoyable and memorable times we’ve had in class together is really something that I miss a lot!!! thank you Ms Elsa for journeying with us through our last year of JC and for making learning/studying a little more enjoyable and bearable! :”-)
— Patricia, RI'19
Math was a very difficult subject for me and I was barely passing in JC1 but with Ms Elsa’s help, I found myself being able to solve more math questions. Ms Elsa exposed me to many different types of questions, deepening my understanding for each topic. She also repeatedly emphasised on the mistakes I made so that I would not make them again. I saw myself improving very quickly after going for her lessons and math became much easier for me. Thank you Ms Elsa for helping me throughout this whole journey. I could not have done it without you!
— Victoria Junior College Graduated 2019
Ms Elsa is a very qualified Math tutor who is able to explain complicated Math concepts in a logical and detailed way. She will not only ensure that her students know how to do the Math questions, but also make certain that they understand and internalise the concepts behind it. The assignments that Ms Elsa gives are carefully selected to cover the diverse range of question types. Coupled with systematic and easy-to-grasp methodology, this prepares the students to tackle a myriad of questions and grants them the competitive edge during exams. Regardless of the class size, Ms Elsa takes the effort to know the strengths and weaknesses of each student and ensures that he or she is keeping up with the lesson and classwork. She also goes the extra mile to answer her students’ queries online and after class, leaving no doubts unresolved. Thank you Ms Elsa for giving the additional boost I needed for Math :)
— Phoebe Lim, ACJC Class of 2019
Had a fun year with Ms Elsa, and she really helped me to improve my Physics a looooooooot which I am so grateful for. She knows clearly everyone’s merits and shortcomings which helps us to study in the most effective way. At the last lesson, Ms Elsa also bought McDonald’s breakfast for the whole class.In conclusion, Ms Elsa is a great teacher, thank you so much!!!
— Kelly from Outram Secondary School, graduated in 2019
Ms Elsa helped me greatly during the difficult and important sec 3 and 4 years, where improving my mathematics was crucial scoring well in the O level examinations. My mathematics has always been weak, and I have struggled with it all my life. By the end of sec 2, it was decided I desperately needed guidance for math if I were to pass well in the O-levels. From secondary 2 to 3, I saw a great improvement in my scores of tests, I was able to get more questions correct, understood concepts better and began scoring As and Bs from Cs and Fs. I found it very helpful that Ms Elsa encouraged me to ask lots of questions in class if I could not grasp the concept that she was teaching, and would keep answering my questions until I understood. This boosted my self-confidence, showing me there was no shame in not understanding, and asking questions didn’t mean I was stupid. From secondary 3 to 4 on-wards, there was a marked improvement in my daily performance and in my exam scores. I gained greater confidence in my Mathematics and aimed for higher scores. Ultimately, I strongly believe that the practice and extra guidance Ms Elsa provided in preparation for the O-levels made me much better prepared than I would have been on my own. And for that, I am very grateful.
— Jamie S Methodist Girls' School 2019
Ms Elsa is hardworking and extremely dedicated. She often goes the extra mile to help her students, even in the most inconvenient timings. Solving questions in an uncomplicated manner, her teaching methods are easy to comprehend and apply. My math grades have definitely improved under her patient yet meticulous tutoring!
— Claris Gan (SAJC), 2019
Ms Elsa is a dedicated and patient teacher. Clear with her explanations and instructions, my grades improved. She has helped me gain confidence in Mathematics and I started walking into the exam hall feeling less anxious. With a wide range of questions and resources, Ms Elsa has exposed me to a variety of exam questions, preparing me well for the exams. She is encouraging and approachable, willing to answer my questions on WhatsApp as well as always believing in me. She was also able to pinpoint my mistakes and weaknesses, and worked together with me on improving them. Thank you Ms Elsa, I really could not have done it without you! :”)
— Yifei Victoria Junior College Graduated 2019
Ms Elsa helped me understand physics better than anyone else could have, and under her, I was able to rediscover my love for physics. I went from struggling to pass to getting a high A1 for prelims in less than a year. Her thorough teaching methods and her patience in guiding us really helped me in my understanding of physics and also motivated me to work harder. Without Ms Elsa, I could not have improved as much as I did this year!
— Shu Yi Methodist Girls’ School Batch of 2019
Elsa has greatly helped to improve my performance in Elementary and Additional Mathematics. My grades flew from a D7 to an A1 in a matter of a few months under her, and she helped to point out careless and conceptual mistakes as well as give me a better and more concise understanding of the concepts that were being taught. Thanks to her, I not only have improved greatly in my scores for the subject, but now have more confidence in doing well.
— Poh Christa, Methodist Girls' School, graduated in 2019
I am very grateful to Ms Elsa for all that she has done for me. I was struggling with math in school and I joined the centre pretty late. But yet in a short span of around 2 months I improved greatly and gained more confidence doing math!
— Alastair Liew 2019
Ms Elsa is undoubtedly the best math teacher I have met, and her strengths lie in her ability to break down and simplify Maths into certain key concepts and knowledge that equip us with the ability to tackle any question. She has been the only teacher to show me that there is no unsolvable question as long as you stay confident, disciplined and apply your knowledge to address it. Furthermore, her light-hearted style of teaching makes her lessons very fun, so much so that I thoroughly enjoy group lessons with my friends and recommended her to countless others. I wholeheartedly recommend her for all students, regardless of aptitude, to see immediate positive results!
— Jiayi 2017 RIJC (PSC Scholarship Recipient)
Before taking lessons with Ms Lim, I was really struggling with Mathematics in JC. I was doing badly in exams and the frustration with not being able to understand concepts made me dislike the subject. It was then that my friend suggested taking lessons from Ms Lim and that was the changing point. Ms Lim did not just spoon-feed us answers but got us to come to grasp the concepts ourselves through asking thought-provoking questions, pointing out things we miss out on and drawing comparisons with concepts we had learnt before in secondary school. She also had a clear grasp on the time we had before ‘A’ Levels and was able to advise us accordingly on time management. Thanks to her guidance, I was able to improve gradually in terms of understanding and applying key concepts, which also reflected in my grades. I came to like doing Math questions instead of finding it a chore. Ms Lim also continuously encouraged us with a phrase “It’s never too late unless you give up.” which really kept me going. I’d definitely recommend this learning journey to others because Ms Lim is a dedicated, sincere and hardworking teacher who strives to inspire students to be involved and engaged in their learning.
— Joey Ang RI 2016
I’ve been with Ms Lim since I was in Secondary 1. Before, my grades were hovering below 50 marks – forcing me to pray to the math gods for divine intervention every time I got my results back. Thankfully, I was introduced to a more powerful force, Ms Lim. Through her teachings, I saw an immediate improvements in my grades which jumped to an A by the end of the year. What worked for me was that she brought clarity to the subject by providing a broad overview of each topic before delving into the details. Also, through her years of experience, she had a lot of tips and tricks to pass on which helped me a lot in exams. I am truly grateful for all Ms Lim has done for me through 6 years of my education. Thanks to her, I got an A for my H2 ‘A’ level math. Now, I can march back to my primary school math teachers and hold my head up high!
— Joshua Chang VJC 2016
Ms Elsa has been a great help to me during the A level period. I was previously failing math in J1 and in the first half of J2 with another Math tutor. Imagine my grades were S, S, S, U. Unfortunately, my grades for math did not improve when I was learning from him. I was introduced to Ms Elsa by my CCA mates who were all taught by her, and strongly recommended that I learn under her. Ms Elsa knows how to target a student’s weak topics, and customises your homework according to your weaknesses. Other than that, she knows how to weaponise your strengths; this is all done to maximise the marks that you will gain during the stressful examinations. Ms Elsa also helped me gain more confidence in math when I previously had a phobia towards it. Overall, her math training methods are aggressive; a vigour that I really enjoy. It is with this aggression and vigour that one can hope to defeat math during the A levels. In other words, if you are in a jia lat (terrible state), START TODAY. Trust me, there’s no use contemplating tuition anymore. Don’t waste time. Just start with Ms Elsa now.
— Erika 2017 RIJC
Though Erika and I only started attending Ms Lim’s classes in the second half of J2 which was quite late, Ms Lim has really helped me immensely in my journey with H2 Math which has always been a huge struggle for me since the start of JC (ie usually failing HAHAHAH). Her lessons were very effective and I always felt like my time was well spent as lessons were filled with timed practices, going through concepts and questions and clarifying doubts. She is able to pinpoint what is the most important concept/various question types for each topic which was super beneficial to me and made math easier to understand and a smaller hurdle to cross. Ms Lim emphasises a lot on practice which is really the key to success. Though the homework assigned every week was intensive but it made me more motivated to do math and I even started to enjoy it! On top of that, she is very encouraging and approachable with a wry sense of humour that made lessons enjoyable hehe. I feel like my math have definitely improved by a huge margin since attending her class and am very grateful for that! So I would 100% recommend this learning journey to anyone who finds H2 math a struggle and is willing to work for it! YOU CAN DO IT (thank you Ms Lim!!!!)
— Vanessa Yap RIJC 2017
I have been under Ms Lim since term 2 of my JC2 year. In this time, I have enjoyed myself and have definitely improved in my Mathematics. Ms Lim’s lessons are systematic, and she is able to identify a student’s strengths and weaknesses and tailor lessons accordingly. She is always willing to help me with whatever I am unsure of, and I can ask her questions both during tuition and outside of tuition using WhatsApp. Her explanations are clear and she is versatile in answering many different types of questions posed to her.

Ms Lim’s heart for her students does not simply stop at answering questions. She takes the time and effort to impart advice as to how to best prepare for the exam and sit through it — she essentially teaches her students how to be exam smart. Not only that, she will also offer emotional support to her students to encourage them during tough periods such as prelims or the A levels. She has a sound perspective and outlook on life, and she passes this on to her students to help them not only in their major examinations but also beyond.

It has definitely been a pleasure to be taught by Ms Lin and I would recommend her tuition to those looking for help in her area of expertise.
— Karis Chan Li En NJC 2017
I didn’t really have a very good foundation in JC mathematics and struggled a lot during J1 until a friend of mine recommended Ms Lim to me. I started having math tuitions during my early J2 days and the lessons really benefited me greatly. I saw great and fast improvement in results and managed to go from an E to B for my prelims and eventually an A for my A levels. Ms Lim is a very dedicated teacher and is always willing to help. She has definitely made A level math much more manageable for me. I’m really grateful for her help and I would definitely recommend Ms Lim to others! 🙂
— Yong Yonlada ACJC 2016
Ms Lim is able to cater to your needs. She even replies you via WhatsApp if you have questions. She is helpful, understanding and flexible.
— Winnie Ng Temasek Polytechnic, Diploma in Aviation Management and Services
Ms Lim has been my personal tutor for the last 6 years. In the years leading up to my O levels, she has taught me Elementary Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics. For my A levels, she is currently teaching me Mathematics. I find Ms Lim’s lessons to be intellectually stimulating and interesting. She takes the effort to not only guide and teach but also challenges you to take on more complex problems. In her tutoring, she ensures that a student covers and understands the main topics and painstakingly prepares the student for the examinations. In my view, Ms Lim goes beyond the normal preparatory work as she certainly stretches a student to the fullest. Undoubtedly, she assisted greatly in my obtaining 9A1s in my O Levels. In Raffles Institution Junior College, I remain a grade A student. I continue to take Mathematics lessons from her not so much because I need it but mainly because I enjoy the lessons that she makes interesting.

Of the subjects she teaches I find her physics and mathematics lessons to be most enjoyable as she not only manages to explain the concepts clearly and concisely but also makes them interesting at the same time. She often goes beyond the normal syllabus to challenge you with more difficult problems. She is a great teacher, one who is patient and caring, with a flair of making complicated concepts seem more manageable. I would highly recommend her to anyone who wants to be well equipped for exam.
— Clare Fong RIJC 2011